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  3. Confirmation
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Store Name*[your_store]

Trading Name (If Applicable)

Company Registration Type

Company Registration Number

Tax / VAT Number

Type of Business

Do you Operate a Physical store?*

Physical Address of Company*

Company Telephone Number*

Your Website URL

Halaal Verification Authority

Number of Products to List on*

Please Provide Product or Service Catogaries Seperated by a Comma*

Business Owners Title*

Business Owners Full Name(s) & Surname*

Is the Business Owner Male or Female*

Business owners ID/Passport Number*

ID/Passport Country of Issue*

Business Owners Mobile Number*

Business Owners Email Address*

Name & Surname of the Person Responsible for Payments*

Contact Details for Person Responsible for Payments*

Email Address for Person Responsible for Payments


Confirm Password*

* Agree  Terms & Conditions

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